Decatur Street

Would you eat the rabid dog if it was the only meat on the deserted island you were on?
Would you jump head-first into a shark tank for $50 and a hug?
Would you pluck lilac from the neighbor’s yard and burn it to stop your allergies?

Would you consider yourself a good person?
Would you consider the person to your left a good person?
Are you sure about that?

Would you know what evil is if it bit you in the ass and spit your cheek out on the nursing home lawn?
Would you chop the trees down on your street to save your power lines?
Would you support hungry kids by buying expensive chocolate from the shady teen girl?

Would you consider yourself a moral person?
Would you consider the person on your left a moral person?
Are you sure about that?

Would you eat the rabid dog, burn the lilac, and chop the trees down to make your life better?
Would you consider yourself a good person?
Would you like to reconsider that?


And here is poem 25 for NaPoWriMo. Today’s prompt was to write a poem inspired by the Proust questionnaire.

I can’t believe I made it this far only because I wanted to quit just because I didn’t feel like doing it anymore. But I kept moving on; I guess to prove to myself that I am still a poet, even if I spend most of time thinking about how I should write more poetry.

Read the prompt and more poems here.

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